What You Need to Know About Kids Losing Teeth

What You Need to Know About Kids Losing Teeth

Team Pediatric Dentistry

Although losing baby teeth can vary greatly from child to child, it is always good to have a general idea of what to expect. Remember, your child will react based on your reaction - so be prepared, stay calm, and offer encouragement throughout the process.  

When Do Children Start and Stop Losing Teeth?

Every child is different in when they will start to lose their teeth, as well as when they will stop. Even kids within the same family can differ greatly as to when this happens. On average, though, you may see a loose tooth as young as 4 years of age and they may lose their teeth until they are 15 years of age. 

Talk To your Child

As an adult, you have lost all your baby teeth already. So you know that this is normal and it is ok. But a young child may not understand what is happening - especially one who starts losing teeth really early. 

Share with them in a way that they will understand. Let them know that they are growing up so they are losing their baby teeth and getting bigger teeth. You can let your child know it may wiggle and feel funny - and that when it falls out, it may bleed a little but will stop. 

Be sure to address any questions or concerns they may have so that the first loss is a breeze. 

A Loose Tooth: To Pull Or Not to Pull?

Ideally, you should allow the baby tooth to fall out naturally on its own. This is the best way to minimize any chance of trauma to the surrounding area. It is normal for a kid to play with the tooth, trying to wiggle it with their tongue or even their fingers. This is absolutely fine and there is no need to stop the behavior. 

If you see that the tooth is sticking around for quite some time and not falling out on its own, give your dentist a call. They will be able to let you know of any next steps that may be taken. 

What to Do When the Tooth Falls Outs

When the tooth finally falls out, a little bleeding and gum irritation may be present. Take a piece of sterile gauze and have your child bite down to apply pressure to the socket. It should subside within a few minutes. If it doesn’t call your dentist. 

Your child should not be in much pain, but you should encourage them to avoid chewing over the area for the next day or two. 

Next? Celebrate! A new tooth is on its way!

Pediatric Dental Care at Dream Smiles

When you have children, it can be tough to know what is normal and what isn’t when it comes to oral health. That’s why our team of pediatric specialists at Dream Smiles treats our patients while also spreading knowledge to the parents, too. 

The first step, however, is to make an appointment for your child to be seen by a dentist. Contact us today at 301-327-1003. Or, request an appointment online.